Adele Vocal Profile

Vocal Type: Contralto
Vocal Range: 3 Octaves and 1 note ( C3 - D6 )
Whistle Register: No
Vocal Pluses: Voice possesses rare quality and  very soulful. Manage to deliver a song with an emotional vocal quality. Her tone is dark which is an advantage when delivering emotional songs. Belted notes are ample and warm. Her ability to utilize her voice to match the song mood is impeccable. Her voice alone is enough to capture the audience attention ( watch Someone Like You live) Nevertheless, she has a good breath support.

Vocal Negatives: Her belted note sometimes sound forced. The full dark tone of her middle range note start to become thin as she go higher in the 5th octave. Her voice lack resonance in upper belted note ( vibrato start to diminish because she forces her voice to belt high note ). Uncomfortable singing/belting in the 5th octave (especially for note D5 and above) as she always changing them into lower keys.

TheDivaJuice: Not a technical singer. lack of skills in handling high note. Maybe due to wrong vocal placement. Nevertheless, her ability to deliver a song is impeccable and has been dubbed as Soul Singer.


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