Christina Aguilera Vocal Profile

Range: 4 octave ( C3 - C#7 )
Whistle Register: Yes
Longest Note: 18 seconds/ At Last live at The Stripped World Tour (Wembley,UK)

Vocal pro: Ability to sing in the whistle register up to high C in the 7th octave. Voice is raw and and has rough texture which is good in conveying emotional song and sound soulful. Ability to utilise vocal run or melisma. Belt is full,loud and has warm quality for belted notes around C5 - E5. Her voice is well projected or resonate and fully supported for notes around A3 - B4. Voice is very versatile as she can goes from Blues, Pop, R&B,Jazz,Rock and Broadway.

Vocal negative: Belted note above B4 sounds harsh and strained due to error in placing her voice correctly. Voice lose vibrato for note D5 and above.Voice is not fully supported and resonate  due to high larynx. Throat is completely closed by larynx when trying to belt G5. Having problems to sing notes around F5 and F#5 and of cause G5 and G#5. Unable to MIX her voice to reach upper chest note, this is due to high larynx. Head voice is weak and always relying on falsetto to reach upper note such as A5, B5, C6 etc. Lower bottom note is forced and not supported. Melisma or vocal runs are show off only as they often didnt match the melody, structure, rhythm and chord of the song. Vocal run is needed in order to access whistle register, because whistle register is not a natural or comfort range for her. Overall, not a technical or highly skilled singer.


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