Adele Is Unstoppable

Adele is just unstoppable!!
This week, her album 21 officially sold 10 million copies after just seven months from its initial release.
Experts say that it will most likely sell 13 million by the end of the year, which means, just under 1 million copies will be sold per month.
Guuuurl, you are unbelievable.
Her manager Jonathan Dickins says:
"It’s just phenomenal. We knew we had a good record and privately we had some targets, but you can’t legislate for this. We’ve taken the whole thing very much one step at a time, but no one could have anticipated this."
It's taken 8 years for an album to make this much buzz in the record industry. Not since Norah Jones' debut album Come Away With Me has there been such a global phenomenon.
Let us tell you - we are not surprised one bit. Adele's got beauty, brains, and talent and this is just the beginning.
We just hope she feels better and gets a chance to get back on stage and perform for her fans.


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