Celine Dion Vocal Profile

Vocal Type: Mezzo Soprano
Vocal Range: 3.3 Octaves B2- C#6 (approx)
Longest Note: 
13 seconds - 'The Reason'

Vocal Pluses: Strong chest voice and has crystal clear quality. Upperchest belting is accompanied by a strong and    powerful vibrato. Ability to execute upper-chest belting with mix quality. Head voice is well developed and manage to transcend to high C with ease.The nasally tone of her voice made her voice recognizable.Manage to convey emotion with her voice especially when singing ballad.

Vocal Negatives: Always misplace her voice especially when holding a long note.Often place or support note with her mouth and throat. Often go high larynx especially in upper chest belting. Mix often unbalance, resulted mix to have more Head tone compare to chest tone. Mix in the upper chest belting is not resonant, due to the heavy use of nasal port and inability to lift her soft palate.Technically not a highly skilled vocalist and voice lack versatility.


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